Welcome to Unizor Education

I'd like to start paraphrasing a quote from Dante's "Inferno": Leave hope behind, all ye who enter here [hoping for easy path to Knowledge].
Yes, some people do compare studying math as moving through hell. This course is not for them.

But, as Charles Baudelaire wrote in his "Epigraph to a Condemned Book",
Mais si, sans se laisser charmer,
Ton oeil sait plonger dans les gouffres,
Lis-moi, pour apprendre a m'aimer.

[English translation by Roy Campbell]
But if, not yielding to their charm,
Your eye can plumb the gulfs of harm
Then learn to love me, read my verses.

The intent of Unizor is to provide students with advanced educational materials while enabling their parents or supervisors to control educational process.

Unizor contains both educational material for students to study and plenty of functionality to facilitate supervisory control over the educational process. Parents or supervisors are responsible for enrolling their students into courses, following their process of learning and making a judgment about stepping forward in study of new materials.

It is important to point out that presented educational material is not related to any particular program officially approved by some education authority. However, material presented here is extremely relevant to deep understanding of offered subjects by those students who feel inclined to study them. Our purpose is not to provide information or to develop concrete skills but rather to present knowledge and to develop analytical thinking in our students.

In particular, this site might be appreciated by those students who like challenging problems and find satisfaction in theories built on solid logical foundation.

Furthermore, we'd like to note that this is a work in progress and, as such, is constantly changing and expanding with an ultimate goal to cover broad spectrum of aspects of math and science and, maybe, other subjects. If the topic you'd like to study is not ready yet, do not get discouraged, we may have it available later. We are doing our best to carry the project on.

We would appreciate any comment which you can send to zor@unizor.com

Creative Mind through Art of Mathematics